“भा” भारतीयों के लिए नई जूते का आकार निर्धारण प्रणाली क्या है?

‘Bha’ जूते का आकार निर्धारण प्रणाली 8 विभिन्न आयु समूहों के लिए अनुकूलित किए गए । यह आविष्कृत व्यवस्था, लगभग 85% भारतीय जनसंख्या को ध्यान में रखते हुए, प्रक्रिया को सरल बनाती है । यह व्यवस्था, विशेष रूप से भारतीयों के लिए विकसित की गई है, और मौजूदा यूके / यूरोपीय और अमेरिकी आकार मानकों को प्रतिस्थापित करने का प्रयास कर रही है ।

What Is ‘Bha’, The New Shoe Sizing System For Indians

डिसेंबर 2021 से मार्च 2022 के बीच आयोजित हुए हाल के सर्वेक्षण ने 79 स्थानों पर 100,000 से अधिक व्यक्तियों के 3डी पैर स्कैनिंग को समावेश करते हुए सामान्य भारतीय पैर के आकार, आकार और संरचना के बारे में महत्वपूर्ण अंदाज प्रकट किए । सर्वेक्षण ने प्रकट किया कि भारतीय पैर आमतौर पर उनके यूरोपीय और अमेरिकी साथियों की तुलना में अधिक चौड़ाई रखते हैं । इसके अलावा, यह मौजूदा आकार व्यवस्था में खराब फिट के मुद्दे को उजागर किया, जिसमें कई भारतीय व्यक्तियों को जूते पहन रहे हैं जो या तो बड़े हैं या अनुपयुक्त आकार के होते हैं । सर्वेक्षण ने भारतीय महिलाओं (लगभग 11 वर्ष की उम्र) और पुरुषों (लगभग 15 या 16 वर्ष की उम्र) के लिए पैर का आकार सामान्यत: कितने वर्ष की उम्र के आसपास उत्पन्न होता है, इसे भी स्पष्ट किया ।

इसके अतिरिक्त, सर्वेक्षण ने सामान्यत: व्यक्तियों और मध्यम डायबिटीज़ रखने वाले वृद्ध व्यक्तियों के बीच जूते के बंधन को अत्यधिक तंत्रित किया जाता है, जिससे उनकी रक्त संचार का कम होना, अस्वाभाविक दर्द, चोट, और पैर स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याएँ हो सकती हैं।

इन फिंडिंग्स के जवाब में, ‘Bha’ जूते का आकार निर्धारण प्रणाली ने 8 आकारों का परिचय किया है:
I – शिशु (0-1 वर्ष)
II – छोटे बच्चे (1-3 वर्ष)
III – छोटे बच्चे (4-6 वर्ष)
IV – बच्चे (7-11 वर्ष)
V – लड़कियाँ (12-13 वर्ष)
VI – लड़के (12-14 वर्ष)
VII – महिलाएं (14 वर्ष और उससे अधिक)

VIII – पुरुष (15 वर्ष और उससे अधिक)

इस नए प्रणाली का उपयोग करने से विनिर्माण प्रक्रिया को सरल बनाने की अपेक्षा है, जो अधिकतम भारतीयों के द्वारा अनुभव की जाने वाली खराब फिट और असहजता की मौजूदा समस्याओं का समाधान करेगा।

What Is ‘Bha’, The New Shoe Sizing System For Indians

The ‘Bha’ shoe sizing system simplifies the process with 8 footwear sizes tailored for various age groups, aiming to cater to approximately 85% of the Indian population. This system, developed specifically for Indians, seeks to supersede the current UK/European and US sizing standards.

A recent survey conducted between December 2021 and March 2022, encompassing 3D foot scanning of over 100,000 individuals across 79 locations, unearthed crucial insights into the size, shape, and structure of the typical Indian foot. The survey uncovered that Indian feet generally possess greater width compared to their European and American counterparts. Furthermore, it highlighted the prevalent issue of ill-fitting footwear within the current sizing system, with many Indians wearing shoes that are either too large or inadequately sized. Additionally, the survey delineated the age at which foot size typically peaks for Indian women (around 11 years old) and men (around 15 or 16 years old).

Moreover, the survey identified common practices such as excessively tightening shoelaces, leading to compromised blood circulation, discomfort, injuries, and foot health complications, particularly among elderly individuals and those with diabetes.

The ‘Bha’ shoe sizing system, devised in response to these findings, introduces 8 sizes categorized as follows:
I – Infants (0-1 year)
II – Toddlers (1-3 years)
III – Small children (4-6 years)
IV – Children (7-11 years)
V – Girls (12-13 years)
VI – Boys (12-14 years)
VII – Women (14 years and above)
VIII – Men (15 years and above)

This new system is anticipated to streamline manufacturing processes by eliminating half-sizes while offering enhanced comfort, wider dimensions, and an additional 5mm allowance for foot length, thereby addressing the prevailing issues of poor fit and discomfort experienced by many Indians.

बस्तर में भूकंप के झटके से मचा हड़कंप, घरों से बाहर निकले लोग, कार भी जमीन पर धंसी

बस्तर में भूकंप के झटके महसूस होने से जगदलपुर में हड़कंप मच गया. लोग घरों को छोड़कर बाहर निकले. रात 8 बजकर 02 मिनट में जगदलपुर शहर के कई इलाकों में भूकंप के झटके महसूस किए गए. एक घर के सामने खड़ी एक कार भी जमीन में धंस गई.

भूकंप के झटके महसूस होने से सभी शहरवासी अपने-अपने घरों को छोड़कर बाहर निकले. कुछ सेकेंड के लिए सभी लोगों ने कंपन महसूस की. हालांकि अभी तक इसकी अधिकारिक पुष्टि नहीं हुई है.

Earthquake: जगदलपुर में महसूस किए गए भूकंप के झटके, घरों से बाहर निकले लोग

जगदलपुर में बुधवार की रात भूकंप के झटके महसूस किए गए। बताया जा रहा है कि यह भूकंप रात 8 बजकर 5 मिनट पर आया।

जगदलपुर शहर के आमागुड़ा, कुम्हारपारा, पथरागुड़ा के अलावा ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों आड़ावाल, सेमरा, करकापाल में भूकंप के झटके महसूस किए गए। बताया जा रहा है कि यह भूकंप रात 8 बजकर 5 मिनट पर आया। इसके बाद मोहल्ले में रहने वाले लोग डर के चलते घर से बाहर आकर खड़े हो गए।

मौसम विभाग के मौसम वैज्ञनिक एचपी चंद्रा ने बताया कि बुधवार की दोपहर हैदराबाद से 30 किमी दूर 1 बजकर 30 मिनट में तेलंगाना में भूकंप के झटके महसूस किए गए। जबकि यह 2.6 की रफ्तार से आया हुआ था। अभी जगदलपुर में आये भूकंप के बारे में कुछ नहीं कहा जा सकता है। जब इसकी जांच की जाएगी तो पूरी जानकारी उपलब्ध की जाएगी।

All about ‘Bha’: New shoe sizing system proposed for Indians

The ‘Bha’ sizing system, developed through a pan-India survey, aims to replace UK/European/US systems, catering to wider Indian feet. Survey findings drive the proposal of 8 sizes to enhance comfort nationwide, revolutionizing the footwear industry.

As part of a larger initiative to develop an Indian sizing system for footwear, a pan-India survey on the feet sizes of Indians was recently conducted. This proposed system, named ‘Bha’ (भ), aims to replace the existing UK/European and US sizing systems, potentially revolutionizing the footwear manufacturing industry in India.India needs its own shoe size system to address the diverse foot morphology of its population, which differs significantly from Western standards.


The current reliance on UK/European and US sizing systems often results in ill-fitting footwear, as Indian feet are generally wider and have distinct growth patterns, particularly among children and adolescents. Developing an indigenous sizing system like Bha (भ) would ensure that footwear is tailored to the unique needs of Indian consumers, promoting better comfort, foot health, and overall satisfaction. Additionally, it would streamline manufacturing processes, reduce wastage, and support the growth of the domestic footwear industry, aligning with India’s vision for self-reliance and innovation.


The survey, conducted between December 2021 and March 2022, covered 1,01,880 individuals across 79 locations in five geographical zones. Utilizing 3D foot scanning machines, researchers sought to understand the size, dimensions, and structure of an average Indian foot. Contrary to initial hypotheses, the survey revealed that Indians generally have wider feet than Europeans or Americans. Consequently, due to the narrow footwear available under existing sizing systems, many Indians have been wearing shoes that are larger than necessary, leading to discomfort and potential health issues.The analysis also uncovered that Indian women’s foot size typically peaks at around 11 years of age, while for men, it peaks at approximately 15 or 16 years. Moreover, it was observed that a significant number of Indians, both men and women, were wearing ill-fitted and tight footwear, often resulting in injuries and compromised foot health, particularly among elderly women and diabetics.Historically, the British introduced UK sizing in India before independence, with an average Indian woman wearing sizes between 4 and 6, and men between 5 and 11. However, the absence of comprehensive data on Indian feet structure and dimensions has hindered the development of an indigenous sizing system until now.

What will Bha do?

The proposed Bha system suggests eight footwear sizes, ranging from infants to adults, with commercial manufacturing initially focusing on sizes III to VIII to cater to the majority of the population. By adopting Bha, both users and footwear manufacturers stand to benefit significantly. Manufacturers would need to develop only eight sizes, eliminating the need for half-sizes and streamlining production processes.

भाची आरती सिंह की शादी में गोविंद सहभागी होंगे?

गोविंद की बहन और ‘बिग बॉस’ की प्रसिद्धता प्राप्त आरती सिंह जल्द ही दीपक चौहान के साथ शादी के बंधन में बंधेगी। आरती का भाई अभिषेक शर्मा यानी कृष्णा और उनकी पत्नी कश्मीरा शाह इस शादी की सभी तैयारियों में लगे हुए हैं। कृष्णा और कश्मीरा ने आरती के लिए एक विशेष पार्टी का आयोजन किया। इस विशेष दिन पर परिवार और मित्रों के साथ आनंदित होते दिखे।
वर्तमान में शादी की पूर्वतयारी शुरू है। इस दौरान, क्या गोविंद शादी में उपस्थित होंगे या नहीं, यह सवाल कई लोगों के मन में है। क्योंकि कृष्णा और गोविंद के परिवारी रिश्ते कुछ भी बढ़िया नहीं हैं। हालांकि, शर्मा परिवार ने गोविंद को शादी का निमंत्रण भेजा है और उन्हें शादी के लिए बड़ा आदर दिखाया गया है।

‘पिंकविला’ को दिए गए इंटरव्यू में कश्मीरा ने कहा, “हम शादी में उनका स्वागत करने के लिए उत्सुक हैं और हम उन्हें बहुत आदर करेंगे। परंपरागत रूप से मैं उनके पास नहीं जाती। आखिरकार, वह मेरे ससुराल में हैं और मैं उन्हें निश्चित रूप से आदर करती हूं। शायद मेरे और कृष्णा के बीच की कोई भी बाधा हो सकती है, लेकिन आरती के साथ उनका कोई भी रिश्ता नहीं है। इसलिए हमें लगता है कि वह उसकी शादी में शामिल होंगे।”

कश्मीरा ने आगे कहा, “हमारे लिए यह निश्चित रूप से भावनात्मक पल है। इससे पहले हल्दी के रस्म के समय हम सभी बहुत भावुक हो गए थे। मैं लगभग सोलह सालों से आरती को पहचानती हूं और उसकी शादी एक सज्जन व्यक्ति के साथ होते हुए देखकर मुझे बहुत अधिक आनंद होता है। लेकिन अब वह किसी की पत्नी बनकर हमसे दूर जा रही है इसके लिए थोड़ा दुख होता है।”

आरती सिंह ने अपने होनेवाले पति दीपक और उनसे कैसे मिले इसके बारे में एक बार बताया था। आरती ने कहा था, “पिछले साल हमने 23 जुलाई को पहली बार बात की थी और 5 अगस्त को पहली बार मिले। फिर मिलने की तारीखें बढ

़ीं और नवंबर में हमने शादी का फैसला किया। लेकिन हमने दोनों परिवारों की मंजूरी तक बात नहीं बढ़ाई। 1 जनवरी को दीपक ने मुझसे दिल्ली के अपने गुरुजी के मंदिर में शादी के लिए मांगने का प्रस्ताव दिया और मैंने हाँ कह दी। वहां ही शुभविवाह हो गया, यहां मैं मानती हूं।”
इस बीच, आरती 39 वर्षीय होकर शादी कर रही हैं और उनका और दीपक का वियाह अरेंज मैरिज है। दीपक नवी मुंबई का है और व्यावसायिक है। आरती सिंह और दीपक चौहान 25 अप्रैल 2024 को इस्कॉन मंदिर में विवाह करेंगे।

I was embarrassed to be released by Arsenal – but have now won back-to-back titles

Nathan Tella was released by Arsenal after over a decade in the club’s academy, but has since gone on to win two league titles in as many years with Bayer Leverkusen

In the world of football, tales of perseverance and triumph against the odds often resonate deeply. Nathan Tella’s journey from the Arsenal academy to lifting the Bundesliga trophy with Bayer Leverkusen is a testament to resilience and unwavering determination.

Cast your mind back to a time when Tella was just another budding talent in Arsenal’s esteemed youth setup. A promising prospect alongside the likes of Emile Smith Rowe and Reiss Nelson, Tella seemed destined for greatness in the red and white of Arsenal. However, fate had other plans.

Despite more than a decade of dedication to the Gunners’ cause, Tella found himself at a crossroads when the club opted not to extend him a professional contract. It was a bitter pill to swallow for the youngster who had bled Arsenal since the tender age of six when he was first scouted.

Yet, true to his character, Tella refused to let rejection define him. Instead, he turned adversity into opportunity, forging a new path at Southampton’s renowned academy. With a hunger to prove himself and a determination to emulate the success stories of past academy graduates, Tella embarked on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

His perseverance bore fruit when he made his mark in the Southampton first team, catching the eye with his electrifying performances. A loan spell at Burnley further showcased his talent as he spearheaded their charge to Championship glory, earning plaudits and admirers along the way.

But it was his move to Bayer Leverkusen that truly solidified Tella’s ascent to prominence. Under the tutelage of Xabi Alonso, he blossomed into a key figure for the German outfit, delivering crucial goals and decisive contributions on their path to Bundesliga glory.

As he stands atop the podium, basking in the glow of back-to-back league titles, Tella reflects on the journey that brought him here. The setbacks, the doubts, and the moments of uncertainty have all been woven into the fabric of his success story, serving as reminders of the resilience that defines him.

For Tella, the road from Arsenal’s rejection to Bundesliga triumph has been paved with challenges and obstacles. But through sheer perseverance and an unyielding belief in his abilities, he has emerged victorious, a shining example of the power of determination in the beautiful game.

Taiwan hit by dozens of strong aftershocks from deadly quake

The Central Weather Administration in Taiwan said it had recorded more than 200 earthquakes from April 22 evening to the next morning


In this image from a video, roads in Hualien, Taiwan are cordoned off after a cluster of earthquakes struck the island early Tuesday, April 23, 2024. | Photo Credit: AP

Taiwan was shaken by dozens of earthquakes overnight and into April 23 (Tuesday) that left buildings swaying and some tilting, with the government saying they were aftershocks from a huge deadly quake that hit the island more than two weeks ago.

The strongest, which the U.S. Geological Survey measured at magnitude 6.1, hit around 2:30 am (1830 GMT) followed minutes later by a 6.0 tremor.

Taipei’s Central Weather Administration put them at 6.0 and 6.3, respectively.

uthorities said there were no casualties reported so far, but the non-stop shaking meant a restless night even for those in the capital Taipei about 150kms north, where walls and glass panels rattled in swaying homes.

“I was too scared to move and stayed in bed,” said office worker Kevin Lin, 53, in Taipei, who told AFP he was jolted awake by the intense quakes.

Around 8:00 a.m., a 5.8-magnitude tremor shook the capital as commuters made their way to work.

The tremors started on April 22 around 5:00 p.m. and by about 10:30 a.m. the next day the Central Weather Administration said it had recorded more than 200 quakes.

All had originated from Hualien on the central east coast of Taiwan.

Earthquakes near Hualien City in the past week with magnitude 4 and above

46.1Source: U.S. Geological SurveyCreated with Datawrapper

The mountainous county was the epicentre of a magnitude-7.4 quake that hit April 3, which Taiwan said was the “strongest in 25 years”, triggering landslides that blocked roads and severely damaged buildings around the main Hualien city.

At least 17 people were killed, with the latest body found in a quarry on April 13.

A hotel building in Hualien that was previously damaged started tilting at an angle on Tuesday after the quakes, according to footage obtained by AFP.

“Please come out for your safety. Let’s evacuate first OK? Anyone still inside? Please come down,” shouted a firefighter to the residents of nearby buildings.

Hsu-ho Lin told local news channel Formosa TV that he had immediately ran over to the hotel building because his grandma lives there and she “kept refusing to leave”.

“My grandmother insisted on staying and my grandfather could not persuade her,” Lin said, adding that they were now evacuating from the building.

The first floor of a nearby residential building was flattened by the quakes on April 23, its tilting frame precariously propped up by metal beams.

Tenants had already evacuated from there after the April 3 quake, and the building was awaiting demolition.

Hualien county government announced that schools and offices would be closed Tuesday due to the continuous aftershocks.

Withstanding quakes

Taiwan sees frequent earthquakes due to its location at the junction of two tectonic plates, and the April 3 quake was followed by more than 1,100 aftershocks — causing rockfalls and tremors around Hualien.

A Taipei government seismologist said the latest “swarm” of tremors originated to the south of the main April quake, unlike the earlier ones which had been mainly to the north.

Seismologists Judith Hubbard and Kyle Bradley agreed the activity appeared to have shifted to becoming more concentrated on the southern side of the April 3 rupture.

“The new cluster of seismicity is not a typical mainshock-aftershock sequence,” they wrote in their newsletter “Earthquake Insights”.

The recent quakes appeared to have stepped up in magnitude over time, they said — counter to the usual pattern of a large one that gradually decays.

It remains unclear if this could trigger a large earthquake again, but “this swarm is a certainly good opportunity for people in the region to revisit their recently tested earthquake preparations”, they said.

The April 3 tremor was the most serious in Taiwan since 1999, when a magnitude-7.6 quake hit the island. The death toll then was far higher, with 2,400 people killed in the deadliest natural disaster in the island’s history.

Stricter building regulations — including enhanced seismic requirements in its building codes — and widespread public disaster awareness had staved off a more serious catastrophe in the April 3 quake.

In Taipei, Lin said news of the hotel tilting in Hualien had scared him.

“I live in a 40-year-old apartment and it really worries me whether the apartment can withstand so many earthquakes,” he told AFP.

He added that while the Taiwanese public are taught what to do when a tremor hits, “it is only useful for a small quake”.

“For a big one, it doesn’t really matter how much quake response you’re taught.”

Authorities said there were no casualties reported so far, but the non-stop shaking meant a restless night even for those in the capital Taipei about 150kms north, where walls and glass panels rattled in swaying homes.

“I was too scared to move and stayed in bed,” said office worker Kevin Lin, 53, in Taipei, who told AFP he was jolted awake by the intense quakes.

Around 8:00 a.m., a 5.8-magnitude tremor shook the capital as commuters made their way to work.

The tremors started on April 22 around 5:00 p.m. and by about 10:30 a.m. the next day the Central Weather Administration said it had recorded more than 200 quakes.

All had originated from Hualien on the central east coast of Taiwan.

triggering landslides that blocked roads and severely damaged buildings around the main Hualien city.

At least 17 people were killed, with the latest body found in a quarry on April 13.

A hotel building in Hualien that was previously damaged started tilting at an angle on Tuesday after the quakes, according to footage obtained by AFP.

“Please come out for your safety. Let’s evacuate first OK? Anyone still inside? Please come down,” shouted a firefighter to the residents of nearby buildings.

Hsu-ho Lin told local news channel Formosa TV that he had immediately ran over to the hotel building because his grandma lives there and she “kept refusing to leave”.

“My grandmother insisted on staying and my grandfather could not persuade her,” Lin said, adding that they were now evacuating from the building.

The first floor of a nearby residential building was flattened by the quakes on April 23, its tilting frame precariously propped up by metal beams.

Tenants had already evacuated from there after the April 3 quake, and the building was awaiting demolition.

Hualien county government announced that schools and offices would be closed Tuesday due to the continuous aftershocks.

Withstanding quakes

Taiwan sees frequent earthquakes due to its location at the junction of two tectonic plates, and the April 3 quake was followed by more than 1,100 aftershocks — causing rockfalls and tremors around Hualien.

A Taipei government seismologist said the latest “swarm” of tremors originated to the south of the main April quake, unlike the earlier ones which had been mainly to the north.

Seismologists Judith Hubbard and Kyle Bradley agreed the activity appeared to have shifted to becoming more concentrated on the southern side of the April 3 rupture.

“The new cluster of seismicity is not a typical mainshock-aftershock sequence,” they wrote in their newsletter “Earthquake Insights”.

The recent quakes appeared to have stepped up in magnitude over time, they said — counter to the usual pattern of a large one that gradually decays.

It remains unclear if this could trigger a large earthquake again, but “this swarm is a certainly good opportunity for people in the region to revisit their recently tested earthquake preparations”, they said.

The April 3 tremor was the most serious in Ta

iwan since 1999, when a magnitude-7.6 quake hit the island. The death toll then was far higher, with 2,400 people killed in the deadliest natural disaster in the island’s history.

Stricter building regulations — including enhanced seismic requirements in its building codes — and widespread public disaster awareness had staved off a more serious catastrophe in the April 3 quake.

In Taipei, Lin said news of the hotel tilting in Hualien had scared him.

“I live in a 40-year-old apartment and it really worries me whether the apartment can withstand so many earthquakes,” he told AFP.

He added that while the Taiwanese public are taught what to do when a tremor hits, “it is only useful for a small quake”.

“For a big one, it doesn’t really matter how much quake response you’re taught.”


The World of Next-Generation WiFi with the TP-link Deco XE75 AXE5400 Gigabit Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System Wireless Router

Next-Generation WiFi with the TP-link Deco XE75 AXE5400 Gigabit Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System Wireless Router

Welcome back, tech enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the world of next-generation WiFi with the TP-link Deco XE75 AXE5400 Gigabit Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System Wireless Router. Yes, it’s a mouthful, but trust me, it’s worth every syllable.


TP-Link has announced the Deco XE70 Pro AXE4900 Tri-Band Wi-Fi 6E Mesh System offering Multi-Gig Wi-Fi 6E providing whole home coverage and 2.5G connectivity.TP-LINK

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Say goodbye to dead zones and buffering nightmares. With coverage extending up to a whopping 5,500 square feet, this router blankets your entire home with seamless, lightning-fast WiFi. Finally, you can stream, game, and video conference from any corner without skipping a beat.

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The new Deco XE70 Mesh Network System can bathe an entire home in ultra-fast Wi-Fi. TP-LIN

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Setup Made Easier Than Ever

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So there you have it, folks—the TP-link Deco XE75 AXE5400 Gigabit Tri-Band Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System Wireless Router. Say hello to the future of WiFi. Say goodbye to compromise.

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